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Vantaan Energia’s goal is to phase out the use of fossil fuels in energy production as early as 2026. In order to achieve this goal, a variety of solutions are needed, of which the geothermal heat plant is one. With the help of a geothermal heat well, the water heated in the bedrock is brought […]


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At Lounavoima, climate values and sustainably produced energy guide all operations. QHeat’s heat well reduces energy waste and cuts the use of fossil fuels. In 2021, the deepest heat well in Finland was built for Lounavoima Oy. The depth of the heat well is 1600 meters and it will be connected to the heating plant […]


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NREP is committed to a carbon-neutral real estate portfolio by 2028. At the same time, the company is a pioneer in testing and implementing new solutions. In Niittykumpu, these targets are met by producing geothermal heating energy to a low temperature heating network. The network provides heat for the needs of more than 200 apartments […]

Finland’s first geothermal energy storage in Espoo

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The first operating geothermal well in Finland, built at NREP Logicenters’ property in Koskelo, Espoo, is 1,300 meters deep – about a kilometer deeper than ordinary geothermal wells. In practice, this means an estimated production of more than 1,000 MWh of thermal energy per year, which corresponds to the annual heat consumption of about three […]

Peijinkatu 8 – Finland’s first low temperature geothermal heating network

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The geothermal low temperature heating network of Finnoon Syvälämpö Oy, founded by Avara Oy and TA-Asunnot Oy, was completed in Espoo in January 2023. Six apartment buildings with nearly 250 apartments and a floor area of approximately 14,000 square meters have been connected to the low temperature network. The network is served by three medium […]